What is the difference between a Campaign and a Launch?

A Campaign is a series of Launches organized around a central goal. The purpose of a Campaign is to communicate, align, engage, connect, and direct your team back to that goal.

The Launch is the cadence of a Pulse Survey > Video > and Reflect and Act prompt. A Launch informs your audience about a specific topic or idea related to the Campaign.

Each Launch in a Campaign is announced through an email or text message to your specified audience with a link to the Launch itself. You create, add, and edit your Launches after you have set up your Campaign.

Example: A Campaign to inform your employees of a new business unit expansion. The video content updates all your employees for transparency and inclusion about the expansion. Each video Launch addresses different topics on the expansion. This may look this this:

Campaign Name: Our Business Growth – Expansion in Europe 

  • Launch 1 (Video 1) - Hey, we are growing!
  • Launch 2 (Video 2) - Meet the new Team in Europe 
  • Launch 3 (Video 3) - What this change means for us and you
  • Launch 4 (Video 4) - How you can support our collective growth 
  • Launch 5 (Video 5) - Growth opportunities for you

Note -Your Campaign start date should be 72 hours (about 3 days) before your first Launch date.

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