What is a Launch?

A Launch describes a cadence that includes 1-3 Pulse Survey questions, a Video communication, and a Reflect and Act prompt. Each Launch in a Campaign is announced via a notification to your specified audience. 

The Launch notification email is sent from clientsuccess@thelatchsupport.com and contains a link to the video. You specify the date when each Launch is released. 

Every Launch is a sequence of 4 events; a minimum of one Pulse Survey question (no more than 3 Pulse Survey questions), a Video, and an Reflect and Act prompt. 


Campaign Name: Our Business Growth – Expansion in Europe 

Launch 1 (Video 1) - A message from your leadership with the Launch title: Hey, we are growing!

Launch 2 (Video 2) - Meet the new Team in Europe 

Launch 3 (Video 3) - What this change means for us and you

Launch 4 (Video 4) - How you can support our collective growth 

Launch 5 (Video 5) - Growth opportunities for you

You can have unlimited Launches for each Campaign.

Note - Your Campaign start date should be 72 hours (about 3 days) before your first Launch date.

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