How do I create a Launch?
From the Champion App, select Campaigns from the left hand navigation and follow these steps:
- Find your Campaign in either Active (top tab) or Drafts (top tab dropdown option).
- Click the Campaign title to which you want to add your Launch.
- Select + add launch.
Complete these fields
- Title- Create a unique title for this launch that describes how it relates to the overall Campaign.
- Start date and time– Select what date and time you want the launch released.
- Pulse Survey – Enter 1-3 Pulse Survey questions. You cannot create a launch without a minimum of 1 question. What is a Pulse Survey.
- Add the video –Upload the mp4 video file or embed the link.
- Reflect – A request share thoughts related to the video message.
- Act – A call for action.
- Custom message - The text you want the audience to see when they receive the notification about this Campaign.